Our First Live Stream!

We've been brainstorming on ways to capture the value and depth of our programming and had the recommendation from a supporter, to live stream one of our ongoing meetings. The meeting was productive and covered a lot of information regarding postpartum and the transition to parenthood. Check it out on our facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/thehatchcommunity/

And speaking on Facebook- follow us for posts about community happenings, birth and parenting articles, and of course (our favorite)- sweet pictures of our baby Hatchlings!

Celebrate Mothers in May!

We are in the final month of our first doula training program! And as we wind down our pilot and prepare for our future, I wanted to reach out to you to both let you know how things have been going, and to ask you to help support us as we move forward. 
Sunday is Mother's Day. What a gift it would be if you would give in honor of your mom- celebrating mothers, the work they do, and the support and opportunity each one deserves. 

We have been offered a $15,000 matching grant from the Miranda Lux Foundation. Now we need your help to raise $15,000 to receive this grant, essentially whatever you are able to give is doubled. Please visit our online campaign to donate by clicking on the image below:





We are more than half way to our goal to launch the pilot doula training programs! We have raised $23,000 in donations offline and $3,080 online! We know we have an ambitious goal, so thank you so much for your support! 

With half of our goal met we can train 16 young people to be birth doulas and serve 80 young families! Please help us reach our goal of $50,000 to launch the other half of our pilot, the postpartum doula training, doubling the numbers: training 32 young people and serving 160 young families!

Spread the word and help us get support: 
